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Flying Saucers in Perfect Formation Leave Pilot Speechless. December 9, 2021. Strange TV

Pilot Captures Footage of Suspected UFOs Over Pacific Ocean

Sun Dec 12, 2021

Category: UFOs

A pilot recently claimed to have seen a UFO fleet flying in a ‘weird’ pattern above the Pacific Ocean. He even managed to get a video of whirling lights moving across the sky.

The sights were more pronounced this time, and they appeared to follow a pattern that air force pilots are familiar with.

It happened before, and it happened again. Pilots become anxious after seeing an unidentified flying object. This time it happens to be a UFO fleet over the Pacific Ocean.

The sights were more pronounced this time, and they appeared to follow a pattern that air force pilots are familiar with.

The video begins with a horizon shot. Three sets of light dots appear to move at a distance as the camera zooms in. There appeared to be 9-12 lights moving at a consistent speed. By the end of the video, one or two dots at the top seemed to fade away.

“I don’t know what that is. That is some weird s***,” the pilot said.


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